Initial communication regarding the possibility of supporting the workshop on FAO Compliance Agreement with the IMCS Network.
On August 21, 2024, the RPOA-IUU Secretariat initiated a discussion with the IMCS Network. The meeting was attended by the representatives from the RPOA-IUU secretariat and International Monitoring, Control, and Surveillance Network (IMCSN). The initial discussion aimed to explore potential funding from IMCSN to support a workshop focused on the FAO Compliance Agreement 1993. The expected objectives of the workshop will serve as a platform for countries to share the best practices in upholding Flag States’ obligations and as a driver for countries to consider the ratification of the FAO Compliance Agreement 1993. During the meeting, the RPOA-IUU Secretariat outlined the workshop’s objectives and highlighted the need for key resources, including expert speakers and funding for the workshop. The workshop is scheduled for Q1 2025, subject to approval and agreement from countries on the forthcoming CCM in Manila, The Philippines. It was proposed that the workshop will be held on two consecutive days with potential attendance from two representatives of the RPOA-IUU participating countries.
Additionally, potential speakers from the IMCS Network and FAO will share their knowledge and expertise on the agreement's significance and propose strategies to expedite ratification in countries, which are still in progress. The IMCS Network expressed enthusiasm for the collaboration, affirming its commitment to support the workshop. Following internal discussions, IMCSN will provide detailed information on the potential areas of support for RPOA-IUU.